Domaine de Curé


Rates & Availability for Domaine de Curé

Request for information about your stay at Domaine de Curé

How to reserve?

Please check availability (for each gîte) on the calendars below. If your dates are available, please fill out the reservation request form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Once your dates are confirmed, we will send you a contract to be signed with how to make a payment.

We require a 30% deposit to secure your dates and the balance 8 weeks before your stay.

Please read our terms and conditions before confirming your reservation with us. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Separately, we ask for a security/damage deposit of 250€ for all stays in each gîte, which will be fully refunded (minus any damages or exceptional cleaning) within 10 days after departure.

In high season, our rental periods are from Saturday to Saturday with a minimum stay of one week. Outside of this period, we will try to be as flexible as possible.

Reservation request form

Please complete the form below to request a reservation

    Check the availability of our gîtes

    "La Forge"

    Sleeps 4 People

    "La Source"

    Sleeps 5 People

    "La Calèche"

    Sleeps 2 People